Monday, May 13, 2013

Final Hand in Tomorrow 10-1pm

To Confirm, tomorrows hand you will need:
1. Your Book.
2. A copy of the pdf's which got uploaded to blurb when you made your book (Cover and pages) on USB stick.
3. Your barcode from UEL site

If your book has not arrived then you will need:
1. A hard copy of you book (print out) with crop marks
2. A copy of the pdf's which got uploaded to blurb when you made your book (Cover and pages) on USB stick.
3. Your barcode from UEL site
4. When your book arrives you will need to drop it in to us at 10am on either Thursday the 16th or Monday the 20th.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Friday Trip 10th May - Brighton

The long talked about group trip for Friday students will be to Brighton on the South Coast. The Trip will be this Friday the 10th of May. We will be travelling together from London Victoria train Station direct to Brighton. To make the most of the day we will require an earlier than normal start meeting at 9.30am at London Victoria. 

The cost of the trip will be £16.00 each which will pay for the Group train ticket. Your’ll need to bring cash to pay for the trip as we need to pay collectively for tickets at the station. Try to bring the 1x £10 note and 6x £1 coins. Students arriving late will not get group travel discount.

We will be meeting in Victoria ticket hall (see inside map) at 9.30am sharp- please allow for rush hour commute times and disruptions. 

You will need to bring he following:
money for food/pack lunch pens
sketch book

swimming costume !? waterproof / warm coat umbrella
sensible shoes

design skills 

Thursday Trip 9th May - Margate

The long talked about group trip for Thursday students will be to Margate on the South East Coast. The Trip will be this Thursday the 9th of May. We will be travelling together from London Victoria train Station direct to Margate. To make the most of the day we will require an earlier than normal start, meeting at 9.30am at London Victoria. 

The cost of the trip will be £17.00 each which will pay for the Group train ticket. Your’ll need to bring cash to pay for the trip as we need to pay collectively for tickets at the station. Try to bring the 1x £10 note and 7x £1 coins. Students arriving late will not get group travel discount. 

We will be meeting in Victoria ticket hall (see inside map) at 9.30am sharp- please allow for rush hour commute times and disruptions. 

You will need to bring he following:
money for food/pack lunch pens
sketch book

swimming costume !? waterproof / warm coat umbrella
sensible shoes

design skills