Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Portfolio Do's and Don'ts

1* Make sure every project is labelled clearly

2* Position the label on the bottom right hand side, Just like a book. No hand written labels! Use a small point size like 11pt.

3* Make sure each page/sleeve is in order (ie project 1, project 2, project 3 etc etc)
- if there is an odd number use your imagination!
make up a page showing your workings on the project?
set yourself an additional project?
work it out, your the designer!

4* Orientate the work to be portrait. No excuses! No Landscape pages!

5* Do NOT mount work on Black paper/card, it detracts from the work, muted colours work best, light grey, off white, cream.

6* Don't leave any stickers, barcodes, price labels, sticky marks on the sleeves.

7* Your are trying to make this professional, keep the portfolio clean, no crumbs or dirt.

8* No loose sleeves, paper or work, floating around in the portfolio

9* Make sure plastic sleeves have the opening at the top of the portfolio

Spreads by 2009 Student Ali Whelehan.